The Vegetable IPM Program interacts with commercial vegetable growers to co-create knowledge and disseminate research-based information to find sustainable solutions to pest problems.
- Bacterial Diseases of Tomato
- Bacterial Speck and Spot of Tomato
- Biological Pest Control Success in Greenhouse Tomatoes
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Disinfecting Used Tomato Stakes
- Early Blight Management in Fresh Market Tomatoes
- Fungal Leaf & Fruit Spots of Tomatoes I
- Fungal Leaf & Fruit Spots of Tomatoes II
- Managing Bacterial Canker in Tomato: Key Strategies
- Mosaic Diseases of Tomatoes
- Powdery Mildew on Tomato
- Problems with Septoria Leaf Spot on Tomatoes
- Forecasting Models to Time Tomato Fungicides
- Tomato Pest Identification
- Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
- Tomatoes: Are you Ready for Late Blight?
- Using Forecasting Models to Time Tomato Fungicides (and Insect Management)
- Vascular Wilts of Tomato
- What You Need to Know About Tomato IPM
- Yellow Shoulder on Tomato
- Pepper Pest Identification
- Action Thresholds for Weeds in Peppers
- Bacterial Leaf Spot in Peppers
- Chemical/Microbial Control of Phytophtora Blight
- Pepper IPM: European Corn Borer
- How to Catch a Fly
- Managing Bacterial Leaf Spot
- Managing Pepper Maggots with OMRI-Approved GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait
- Managing Phytophthora Blight (Phytophthora capsici): Chemicals or Alternatives?
- Minor Diseases of Pepper
- One Darn Good Reason to Rotate: Phytophthora
- Pepper IPM: Aphids
- Pepper IPM: Aphids and Viruses
- Pepper Maggot: Damage, Detection, Monitoring, and Management
- Pepper Maggot Invasions and Organic Farms
- Perimeter Trap Crop Recommendations for Pepper Maggots
- Preventing Bacterial Diseases of Vegetables with Hot-Water Seed Treatment
- Summary: Pepper Integrated Pest Management Options
- When Pepper Maggots Invade Your Farm
- Cucurbit Pest Identification
- Bacterial Wilt
- Black Rot of Cucurbits
- Characterization of the Black Rot Fungus and an Update on Bacterial Wilt
- Consider Planting Disease Resistant Summer Squash and Zucchini
- Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease (CYVD) In Connecticut
- Directions For Using a Perimeter Trap Crop Strategy to Protect Cucurbit Crops
- Disease Tolerance of Zucchini and Yellow Squash Varieties
- Have you seen this beetle?
- Leaf and Fruit Diseases of Cucurbits I
- Leaf and Fruit Diseases of Cucurbits II
- Managing Squash Vine Borer
- Maximizing Pumpkin Production Through Spacing, Fertilizer, Irrigation, and Varietal Selection
- Mildew Diseases of Cucurbits
- New Powdery Mildew Fungicide for Cucurbits
- Perimeter Trap Cropping for Yellow and Green Summer Squash
- Plectosporium Blight and New Spray Recommendations for 2005
- Protecting Cucumbers From Beetles and Wilt With Perimeter Trap Cropping
- Pumpkin Disease and Resistance Management
- Scouting for Downy Mildew on Cucurbit Crops
- Squash Beetle
- Squash Vine Borer Control
- Striped Cucumber Beetles
- Techniques for Improving Spray Coverage in Pumpkins and Winter Squash
- Using Pre-Sidedress Nitrate Test for Pumpkins
- Viruses of Cucurbits
- Sweet Corn Pest Identification
- Sweet Corn Pest ID and Trapping Guide
- Common Diseases of Corn in Connecticut
- Corn Rootworm or Crow Damage?
- Corn leaf aphid: Rhopalosiphum maidis
- Effects of Plant Density and Tillage on 'Montauk' Sweet Corn Ear Size and Profits
- Identification of Sweet Corn Pests
- Minute Pirate Bugs
- NLCB Resistant Sweet Corn
- Reduced Risk Pesticide Program for Sweet Corn
- Relative Resistance of Sweet Corn Varieties to Common Diseases in the Northeast
- Scheduling Sweet Corn Plantings
- Scheduling Sweet Corn Plantings—The Anderson Farm Way
- Stewart's Wilt Warning for Southern New England Sweet Corn Growers
- Transplanting Sweet Corn At Cold Spring Brook Farm
- UConn's Sweet Corn IPM Action Thresholds
- Using Trichogramma and Bt for European Corn Borer Control
Brassica Crops
- Brassica Crop Pest Identification
- Black Rot of Crucifers
- Caterpillar Brassica
- Clubroot of Crucifers
- Cole Crop "Worms" (Caterpillar Pests)
- Have you seen this beetle?
- Identification of Cole Crop Pests
- New Powdery Mildew Fungicide for Cucurbits
- Perimeter Trap Cropping for Cole Crops
- Two Common, Late-Season Cole Crop Diseases
Beans and Other Legumes
Deep Zone Tillage
Compaction and Organic Matter Survey Results
Deep Zone Tillage Growers Educators Equipment Dealers
Deep Zone Tillage at the Dzen's Farm
Deep Zone Tillage for Small Organic Farms
Deep Zone Tillage: Case Study 1
Deep Zone Tillage: Case Study 2
Five Years of Deep Zone Tillage (DZT) in New England
Getting Started with Deep Zone Tillage
Measuring Soil Health Before Converting To Deep Zone Tillage
High Tunnel
Some Online Resources on Growing Various Crops in High Tunnels
General Articles
Vegetable Farmers Participatory Research Opportunity
Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS)
Bed Steaming_A. Cantelmo_2019 CTVegSFConference
Biochar Project Farmer Recruitment Flyer
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Pricing and Ideas for 2014
Composts for Disease Suppression
Constructing a Deer Fence at the Cecarelli Farm
Contribution of Cover Crop Mulches to Weed Management
Cultivation Tools for Mechanical Weed Control in Vegetables
Having Problems Controlling Vegetable Crop Diseases
Hydrated Lime as an Insect Repellent
Is Integrated Pest Management Profitable?
Learning This Winter with Videos
Lower Your Electric Bill With CooLBot
Pest Management for Vegetable Bedding Plants
Plants that Attract Beneficial Arthropods
Preventing Bacterial Diseases of Vegetables with Hot-Water Seed Treatment
Resistant Tolerant Vegetable Varieties Are Worth A Try
Summary of FSMA Supplemental Revisions for Produce Rule
The Use of Different Colored Mulches for Yield and Earliness
Trichoderma for Control of Soil Pathogens
Use of Cover Crops and Green Manures to Attract Beneficial Insects
Biodegradable Mulch
- What is BDM? (PDF) (PPT)
- Deterioration and degradation (PDF) (PPT)
- Using BDM (PDF) (PPT)
- Applying biodegradable mulch (PDF) (PPT)
- Weed Control (PDF) (PPT)
- Economics of Using BDM (PDF) (PPT)
- Soil Sampling for Visible Plastic Fragments (PDF) (PPT)
- Biodegradable Mulch: A Climate Smart Innovation for Vegetable Producers
- What is soil-biodegradable mulch?
- Deterioration and degradation of soil- biodegradable mulch
- Plastics in agriculture soils
- Economics of soil-biodegradable mulch use + mulch cost calculator
- Panel of growers using BDM internationally