• blueberries ripening on bush

IPM News Updates

  • Registration is now open! Fall Ornamental & Turf Short Course
    UConn Extension offers an online Ornamental & Turf Short Course in the fall and winter.  This Short Course is an in-depth review of the information necessary to study for the Ornamental and Turf/Golf Course Superintendents State of Connecticut Supervisory Pesticide Applicator Certification (category 3A) exam. A student who completes all the modules, works through the quizzes, […]
  • May 2024 Crop Talk
    The May 2024 issue of Crop Talk is available. The issue includes the following articles: Managing Aphids on Vegetable Transplants Can Biochar be a Sustainable Soil Amendment for CT Farms? Spring Fungal Disease Outlook for Fruit Growers Soil Steaming for Pest Management Sweet Corn Pest ID & Trapping

Save the Date!

Connecticut Vegetable and Small Fruit Conference

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The UConn Extension IPM Program Educates People in Connecticut

The UConn IPM program educates growers and the general public about the judicious and safe use of organic and synthetic pesticides and alternative pest control methods. The program incorporates all possible crop management and pest management strategies through knowledgeable decision-making, utilizing the most efficient landscape and on-farm resources, and integrating cultural and biological controls. Program objectives include maintaining the economic viability of agricultural and green industry businesses, enhancing and conserving environmental quality and natural resources, educating participants on pests (life cycles, damage, management options, etc.) and on the effective use of cultural practices to mitigate pest problems, of biological control agents, and educating pesticide users about bee and other pollinator safe materials, least toxic options, and the safe use and handling of organic and synthetic pesticide products.

IPM educational programs provide information on pest management alternatives through field training, conferences, workshops, and publications. Regular pest alerts are also provided through email and the IPM Web site. IPM partners and collaborators include State and Federal agricultural and environmental/non-governmental agencies and organizations; State, New England, and Northeastern fruit, greenhouse, grounds keepers, nursery, turf, landscape, and vegetable associations; industry suppliers/dealers; regional universities; educators; schools and municipalities; individual growers, farmers, and producers; Master Gardeners; and the general public.


What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to the management of plant pests (diseases, insects, mites, weeds (including invasive plants), and wildlife). IPM is holistic and science-based, emphasizing long-term solutions that are effective, economical, ecologically viable, and socially acceptable. IPM begins prior to planting a landscape or an agricultural or horticultural crop through education to understand the key factors that promote healthy plants and help to reduce future potential pest problems. Through sound cultural practices, IPM practitioners base decisions on information that is collected systematically, to minimize risks to human health and the environment.

Adapted from: CropWalk.ag.

Cultural Controls

Cultural controls involve the manipulation of the pests' biological and physical environment to make it less suitable. Examples include proper planting, pruning, maintaining proper soil pH, crop rotation, sanitation, and irrigation/water management.

Biological Control

Biological control is the use of living organisms, such as parasitoids (parasites), predators, or pathogens to suppress a pest population. Ladybeetles are common examples of predators employed in biological control. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a well-known bacterial insect pathogen employed in many IPM programs.

Host Plant Resistance

Host plant resistance involves the use of plant cultivars that have inherited characteristics that defend the plants against pest attack. The use of resistant cultivars is an important step in plant pathogen, nematode, and insect pest management.

Behavioral Modification

Behavioral modification tactics involve the use of visual, chemical, or auditory stimuli to influence or disrupt normal pest behavior. Examples range from scare tactics, such as the old-fashion scarecrow, to the modern uses of sex pheromone mating disruption for insect pest

Physical and Mechanical Controls

Physical controls involve the use of physical barriers to deter or kill a pest, such as exclusion netting, and kaolin clay. Mechanical control includes the use of sticky traps, fences, row covers, machinery, or manual labor (i.e., for weeding).


Chemical pesticides play a role when other preventive steps fail to avoid damage to the managed resource or to protect human health. Economic thresholds have been established for many pests. Pesticides are used only after documenting that they are needed according to established guidelines.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) defines pesticides as any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any insects, rodents, nematodes, fungi or weeds, or any other forms of life declared to be pests.
It also includes as pesticides any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant. Horticultural oil, insecticidal soaps, and minimum risk products are also regulated as pesticides under FIFRA. The use of pesticides requires a careful
assessment of organic or synthetic chemicals and biorational pesticides. Those which pose the lowest risk to human health, non-target species, and the environment, while achieving effective control, are chosen.

Regulatory Control

Regulatory control refers to state and federal regulations that prevent the spread of pest organisms. It may include quarantine programs or mandated bans.


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