2025 UConn Extension Vegetable and Fruit Growers’ Conference
On Tuesday, January 7, UConn Extension hosted its annual Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers’ Conference at the UConn campus in Storrs. There were approximately 222 attendees present, representing commercial growers, non-commercial growers, service providers, Extension faculty and educators, researchers, students, arborists, and local cideries. Amy Harder, Associate Dean and Associate Director for Extension, and Indrajeet Chaubey, UConn CAHNR Dean and Director were also in attendance. Both spoke to the importance of these convenings and UConn’s historic connection to agriculture.
A total of seven presentations were made on the main stage throughout the day-long event. A packed trade show with 35 vendors also occurred simultaneously, as well as the opportunity to browse research poster presentations during the breaks. For many in attendance, the conference also served as an opportunity to gain pesticide recertification credits.
Of the 74 evaluations collected from participants at the close of the day, 97% of responded positively (73% "Yes" and 24% "Possibly") to learning something from the conference that will help them with their business. Recurring themes from examples of knowledge gained included information about:
Winter growing and the benefits of high tunnels
Growing strawberries and weed management in strawberry fields
Effective strategies for incorporating value-added products
Recommendations on sweet corn varieties and pest management strategies
Farming in freight containers
Agricultural trends for vegetable and fruit growers
Farming in freight containers
IPM strategies for disease prevention
There was optimism among growers with 79% of respondents indicating positively (24% "Yes" and 55% "Possibly") that they would incorporate learnings from the conference into their farming operations. Some written feedback from attendees stated "Excellent mix of speakers" and "Very informative". We have also received great suggestions from the participants for topics and speakers for the next year's conference.
We hope to see you at the next Vegetable and Fruit Growers' Conference in January 2026!
All talks and speakers can be found in the full 2025 program, linked here.
Click on links below to access presentations from the 2025 conference.
A Look Into Value Added Agricultural Offerings
Sweet Corn At Gresczyk Farm
Weed Management Strategies For Strawberries
Dangers Abound: Protecting Connecticut Strawberries from Invasive Fungal Pathogens
High Tunnels For Winter Growing: Techniques And Tips From Farmers
Northeast Agriculture: An Overview
Growing In A Freight
2024 UConn Extension Vegetable and Fruit Grower’s Conference
The 2024 UConn Extension Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference was held at the UConn Storrs campus in the Student Union on Tuesday, January 9. The conference was co-organized by UConn Extension and the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES). There were a total of 211 attendees, with 138 regular admission, 14 speakers, and 47 vendors and sponsors with 35 booths.
Out of 87 evaluation respondents, 99% replied positively (70% "Yes" and 29% "Possibly") that they learned something that would help them with their business. There were many great examples of topics that proved helpful to the attendees, including biodegradable plastics, mesotunnels for cucurbit production, pest control methods, and fertigation/injection systems. 80% of respondents replied positively ("Yes" or "Possibly") that they intend to make a change in their farming practices/operations from what they learned at the conference. The 2024 conference was held at a new location, the Student Union at UConn's Storrs campus. 84% of respondents reported they either preferred this new location or had no preference for the location of the conference.
There were 14 speakers total, with topics including (but not limited to) high tunnel tomato nutrient management, bramble production in different seasons, Aroniaberry production as a new niche crop, trap crops and insectary plants, biodegradable plastic mulch, and crop insurance. All talks and speakers can be found in the full 2024 program, linked here. Some feedback received from attendees includes: "Loved the new location!" and "Overall great conference". We have also received great suggestions from the participants for topics and speakers for the next year's conference.
We hope to see you at the next Vegetable and Fruit Grower's Conference, which will be held at the same location (Student Union in Storrs campus) on January 7, 2025! Below are some of the presentations that were featured at the 2024 conference.
Click on each link to access the presentation.
Aroniaberry: A Native Superfood Pome Fruit
Soil-Biodegradable Plastic Mulches for Specialty Crop Production
2023 On-Farm Field Day
June 1, 2023 1-4pm
Join us at Cecarellis Harrison Hill Farm for an on-farm field day!
186 Old Post Rd Northford, CT 06472
Focus was on low-to no-till implements, a new strip-type plastic culture implemented to battle climate change, along with other customized implements that fit the need for small farms.
Implements include:
- Zone Tiller
- No-Till Drill
- Roller Crimper
- No-Till Corn planter
- Low Till Corn planter
- Speed Disc Tiller
- Plastic Layer
This event included live in-field demonstrations of these implements!
Vegetable Twilight Meeting at Cold Spring Brook Farm, Sept. 2022
UConn Extension held a Vegetable Twilight Meeting at Cold Spring Brook Farm in Berlin, Connecticut on September 21, 2022. The video below is a recording of the meeting, and the handouts shared are also included.
Handout 1 – Uneven Ripening in High Tunnel Tomatoes
Handout 3 – Biodegradable Mulch
Our work with high tunnel vegetable production is supported by USDA NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant Award # NR203A750008G009/Subaward # 0008145/07132020, and our work with biodegradable plastic mulch is supported by USDA Crop Protection Pest Management Program Grants # 2021-70006-35582 and 2017-70006-27201.
2022 UConn Extension Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference Presentations
The 2023 CT Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers’ Conference was held Wednesday, January 4. Please find below the PDF versions of the presentations. We hope to see you again in 2024!
Drone Imaging to Monitor Potato Leafhopper Damage in the Field
Vegetable benefits and disease control of nanotechnology