School IPM

The UConn School IPM Program provides educational support to CT school grounds and turf managers that enables them to care and maintain school properties using pesticide-free management and other IPM protocols. 

Photo of Victoria Wallace

Victoria Wallace

Extension Educator

Turf and Landscape, School IPM, Pollinators, Invasive Species

IPM Team Leader


Educational Outreach Opportunities

School IPM turfgrass and ornamental landscape training and consultations: contact Victoria Wallace,; 860-885-2826.

CT IPM Programs

Through the support of a USDA/NIFA (National Institute of Food and Agriculture) IPM Extension grant, 24 schools have had the opportunity to acquire and use weather stations that strengthen their pesticide-free management programs. Although weather stations are regularly used for IPM recommendations for fruit and vegetable production, CT is the first state to tie weather stations to school grounds care. The weather stations are designed to enhance the development of pest management strategies, which include improving the precision of the timing for cultural care practices. Information on key turf and horticultural pests of woody trees and shrubs, as well as general information on IPM practices and solutions, such as scouting for pests, pest identification, record keeping, and control options, can be found on these web pages and via links to other resources.

UConn IPM team members conduct educational seminars and workshops, pesticide safety and certification training, hands-on field training, site visits, consultations and recommendations for turf and landscape management operations, diagnostic services, and research. The IPM website is updated periodically by IPM Program team members.

Educational programs include CT School IPM Workshops, developed and presented by the CT School IPM Coalition, the UConn Turfgrass Field Day, Municipal Grounds and Sports Turf Academy, and the UConn Native Plants and Perennials Conference. The School IPM Program also supports professional associations, such as CT Building & Grounds Association, CT Parks Association, CT Recreation and Parks Association, and CT Grounds Keepers Association.

Regional Involvement

UConn Team members contribute to and support regional educational conferences and associations, such as the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and New England Sports Turf Managers Association (NESTMA). Members of the IPM team also participate in, support, and develop IPM programs for school managers through the regional Northeast School IPM Working Group (NESIWG).

If you would like to receive updates on the UConn School IPM Program, please contact Victoria Wallace,; 860-885-2826.