We work collaboratively with other state agencies, UConn Extension educators, and universities throughout the Northeast region. Many of these organizations have additional resources that can assist you. Here are some helpful websites of programs related to the UConn IPM team.
- Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP)
- Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG)
- Connecticut Purple Loosestrife Information
- CT Farm Risk Management and Crop Insurance Program
- CT Extension Forestry Program
- Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory
- UConn Master Gardener Program
- UConn Plant Database of Trees, Shrubs and Vines
- UConn Plant Diagnostic Laboratory
- UConn Turf IPM
- UConn Extension
- Water Quality and the Home Landscape
2023 CT Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference PDFs
The 2023 CT Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers' Conference was held Wednesday, January 4. Please find below the PDF versions of the presentations. We hope to see you in 2024!
Drone Imaging to Monitor Potato Leafhopper Damage in the Field
Vegetable benefits and disease control of nanotechnology