Program Leader: Leanne Pundt, Extension Educator
UConn Greenhouse Pest Messages
24 greenhouse pest messages focusing on pest and disease issues, biological controls and IPM decision making were send out via email to 280 growers, retailers and allied members of the greenhouse ornamental horticulture industry and posted on the UConn Greenhouse IPM website under pest messages.
Bedding Plants – Spring 2020
Statewide program, held in two locations, on Feb 7th in Vernon, CT and Feb 11th in Torrington, CT. Speakers included Dr. Rosa Raudales, Greenhouse Extension Specialist, UConn; Dr. Yonghao Li, plant pathologist from CAES; Abby Beissinger, Plant Pathologist, UConn Plant Diagnostic Laboratory, Candace Bartholomew, Pesticide Safety Educator, UConn Extension; and Leanne Pundt, Extension Educator, UConn Extension. 61 attended.
Of those that filled out evaluation forms, 100 % rated the conference as useful to very useful, 97 % were very or moderately likely to adopt a new practice as a result of attending these programs.
Attendee Comments
I liked the way this class was done, I enjoyed how Rosa used FAQ and how Leanne went over what to look for in the upcoming season.
Great Job! Thanks for presenting up-to-date relevant topics that growers can relate to.
Thank you, always well put together and informative.

IPM Scouting Tips for Herbaceous Perennials
International Intern Training, June 24, 2020, Casertano Greenhouse, Wallingford, CT. 5 interns attended.

Greenhouse Biological Control Conference
Due to COV-19 restrictions, the Greenhouse Biological Control Conference scheduled for June 23, 2020 was not held. The Jones Auditorium at CAES was also not available for meetings. Proposed speakers were contacted and informed of this decision.
Season Long Hands-on Training 2020
58 site visits were conducted when requested by growers (number was reduced due to COVID). Growers were reached via phone calls, email and text messages in response to their questions and concerns.

Additional Greenhouse Programming:
Pundt wrote three trade journal articles, three Crop Talk Newsletter articles, twenty-two factsheets, and was editor of the 2021-2022 New England Greenhouse Floriculture Guide
Raudales, R. and L. Pundt. (Ed.) 2021-2022. New England Greenhouse Floriculture Guide. A Management Guide for Insects, Diseases, Weeds and Growth Regulators. 248 pages. Available online at: